Rusty Autoholic Guy

Project Update, starter is fixed but I'm going back to the drawing board

Installing the OEM AW4 Mount changed everything on my Diesel Swapped TJ Wrangler!

Removing all the parts I won't be using on this BEW TDI for my TJ Wrangler Swap

Fixing the Coolant System Loop on my TDI Swapped TJ Wrangler for the Last Time

Permanently Fixing my Serpentine Belt System on my Kubota V2403 swapped TJ Wrangler

Why I changed my channel name to Rusty Autoholic Guy!

Installing Volant Air Intake Box and Split Grommet on my Firewall on my TDI TJ

Front Grill & Hard Top Back Half Installed [Diesel RHD TJ Wrangler - 37]

TJ Wrangler Dashboard and Interior Removal [Felicity - 32]

This issue is going to set me back a few months on my TDI Wrangler Build

Installing a Ford 6r80 6-speed automatic transmission into my diesel swapped TJ Wrangler

Fixing Rust and Replacing Shocks on my LJ Rubicon

Pulling the Kubota Diesel Engine Yet Again [Diesel RHD TJ Wrangler - 46]

Final assembly and moving under it's own power but still having issues

I Bought Another Postal Jeep!

Testing the Fuel Economy on my TDI Swapped TJ Wrangler

AW4 Automatic Compushift TCU Install Part 2: We're Shifting Gears [Diesel RHD TJ Wrangler - 66]

Fixing the cooling system on the Kubota V2403 turbo diesel engine again [Diesel RHD TJ - 75]

Disassembling my Kubota Diesel Swapped TJ Wrangler to fix a problem!

Alternator and Power Steering Pump Woes on the Kubota V2403 [Felicity - 33]

Buttoning up the Ford 6r80 automatic in my diesel swap TJ Wrangler

Turbo Upgrade Continues on my Kubota Diesel Powered TJ Wrangler

My Kubota Diesel Swap TJ Wrangler Runs! [Diesel RHD TJ Wrangler - 51]

Kubota V2403 Engine Test Run for my 2006 RHD TJ Wrangler [Felicity - 01]